Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Zap Q+A Why wont you travel to Teach Zap?

Hi Friends,

I have been asked by Many of My International Zap Students the below question.


When will you be traveling to the (UK, AU, NZ, Russia, Iceland, China, etc.) to teach Zap?


Although I care about All My Students, even My US students travel to me for All My Various WorkShops and Seminars.

I use to travel All Over the World for my Various Businesses.
I did not enjoy being away from My Wife and Babies.
I do not Anticipate anytime soon that I will Travel to teach or perform.

All My Students also go through a Very Rigorous Applikation Process and many apply and Only a Select Few are Ever Accepted.

None of My Events are ever Open to the Public and You Must Sign a Non-Disclosure/Non-Compete Form and Applikation before I even Konsider Your Approval for applikation.

I earn a Living in Several Businesses.

I just do My Various WorkShops and Seminars to Share Un-Komon Knowledge that you will find KnowWhere Else.

The below video features Students who Each Invested several thousand U.S. dollars per day per person to train with Gordon and Myself and to see our Zap Hypnosis Show called "Exposing Mass Delusions."

My Invited Students from the below video varied from a U.S. Senator, Multi-Millionaires, and Students.

*Below is a Video of One of My Live Events called "The Power of Your Mind."


I have been informed that there are less than a Few Copy of Zap still available.
I am Not Certain if I will Authorize the Producers of Zap to do another Minting.
So, if you have Your Zap DVD and Book, You are among the Fortunate few.

Hon Wong
Developer of Zap

The reviews have been coming in so Fast and Positive that I have been accused by many that it can only be possible if I wrote ALL of the reviews myself.

I like to PERSONally Thank My below Zap Student that took time out of their very busy day to Honor Gordon and Myself with their Heart Felt Thoughts.


Zap by Hon Wong and Gordon Fang-Wong (DVD + Guide Book) - The World's Fastest Hypnotic Induction! Now Shipping!

Our Price: $149.95

watch movie

Customer Reviews for Zap by Hon Wong and Gordon Fang-Wong
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Once you get it to work, it is simply amazing
by Albert from Poway, CA USA on 01/10/2009 23:32:57
Ialways wanted to get into hypnosis but never knew where to start. Starthere. The first week or so I felt that unconfident in my abilities andwas unsure if it would work. I can now tell you that with watching thedvd and reading the book a couple of times that it does work and itworks amazingly! What other "trick" (in quotes because it ain't atrick, much like other hypnotic inductions) can give such a powerfuland meaningful and different and AMAZING feeling from the participant.Wow. That's all I can say. Simply amazing.

Closest to real magic you will ever get!!
by bradm from Sydney NSW Australia on 01/07/2009 12:39:55
Todayi zapped for the first time. I went to my mates place and he'd seen Zapon youtube and i offered to try it out on him. He agreed and we wentout into his backyard and it worked!! This is the one of the besttricks on penguin you don't have to bring a thing except the rightframe of mind. Save up your cash because this is worth every cent!!

one of the best dvds on penguin
by jonathan the great from al,USA on 01/01/2009 04:28:58
ullhave to pratice this and for all of you people who dont like to praticedont get this but if u have the dedication to do this than get it

ihad planned on getting into hypnosis but wasnt going to any time soon,but now that ive zapped i plan to learn all i can about hypnosis. if urnew to hypnosis and want to start get this

Zap - The Ultimate Trick
by Adam Mark Moisa from Jamaica NY USA on 01/01/2009 04:05:34
Anyonewho knows anything about hypnosis, don't think you know Zap. This isTHE induction. The fastest, smartest, coolest, and most dramatic andsimple rapid induction to ever be created.

If you know nothingabout hypnosis, don't worry. Hon's there for you. Everything needed tobe known about Zap is taught simply and effectively on the DVD. Notonly is Hon teaching you, he WANTS you to know how to do it.

In short, Zap is the best magic trick out there. There are:
No Props
No Stooges
No Preparation
Breaks the line between close up and stage

Ifyou've always wanted a trick that you were like... Uch I wish that whensomeone asked me if I could do a trick for them I didn't have to go andtake out a deck of cards or coins, its so silly already! Especially ifyou don't have anything on you!

This is it.

Walk up, say sleep, and you have yourself powers and a show.

The only reason I would tell you not to buy Zap is because I want as few people as possible knowing about this so I'm one of the few who can do it.

But to my fellow magicians, please buy this. Hon deserves it and even more so, YOU deserve it.

I would honestly call anyone who knows how to do this and only this, no other trick, a true magician!

Buy Zap. You need it.

by Peter "Professor Paddy" Lansing from Cincinnati, Ohio on 12/29/2008 00:28:24
AfterI watched all the DVD and read the book a 2nd time I tried it on mywife. She had hypnosis before and it did not work on her, but when Izapped her she went under instantly. I gave her a couple of tests andshe was under, so I tried to use post hypnotic suggestion to work on afear she had. The results were 100%

This is a sure winner. YouMUST follow the directions as he gives them! No short cuts! This is askill, not a trick. But it is effective and worth much more than the150 he charges.

Peter "Paddy"

Support and product
by DatManWolf from Ogden, UT on 12/28/2008 21:49:52
I just wanted to mention a little about Hon's support.

Neverin my life have I purchased a product and had so much contact with thecreator. I have purchased many things in my life and I don't think anyone of them can compete with the information and help that Hon giveshis "students".

Hon always answers his messages on myspace andis very prompt when responding to questions on the private messageboard. He even blessed me with a phone call which has shattered anydoubt it my mind about how much he believes in his product.

Andto all the speculators and haters who are calling Hon and Gordon afraud and that this is completely impossible, I say give him permissionto hypnotize you and let him shake your hand.

People always fear what they do not understand! Bottom line ZAP works!

No Pre-Talk?
by Sasha Absher from San Francisco on 12/27/2008 03:59:27
I am a Certified Hypnotherapist.

My office staff bought this for me for laughs. I was surprised when it arrived.

Your method is more than an Induction. It's like a graduate program in hypnosis.

I own the following in DVDs.
Richard Bandler Doing Richard Bandler (NLP seminar on 4 DVDs)
Tom Silver's (Shock Induction series)
Sean Michael Andrews (Rapid inductions)
Richard Nongard (Speed Trance)
"Michael C. Anthony DVDs
and much more in the Clinical Hypnosis Products.

Zap did the impossible. I can now do what you call Zap.
We were taught in Graduate School that this was not possible.

Should this information be sold on a Magic website?

by simonlok from brisbane, australia on 12/26/2008 16:24:32
first time to write a review
zap is amazing~
and i learnt a lot more than just doing zap
this is the best thing i ever bought

It Works!
by Pete from Washington on 12/26/2008 06:54:49
Watchedthe DVD twice and read the book once. I actually hypnotized my firstsubject over the weekend at a bar/restaurant my band was playing at....

by Anonymous from California on 12/26/2008 02:45:56
Thisis by far the most amazing product I have ever ordered from Penguin.Hon and Gordon are so dedicated to this technique, I feel like astudent, rather than just someone who bought their product. And thebest part, the technique REALLY WORKS! Never in my wildest dreams did Iimagine having the ability to walk up to someone and hypnotize them!


undefinedundefined Need Zap Help
by Hon Wong from Texas, USA on 12/24/2008 03:57:58
Hi Zap purchasers,

Need help? We are here. You can ask on the Penguin Forum and on the Private website posted on your DVD.

You will never buy a product with more value and support than you have in Zap.

Gordon and I are committed to teach...you must reach out for help and be committed to learn.

Hon Wong
Developer of Zap

Nice DVD
by dstprock from ny on 12/20/2008 00:01:44
Thedvd is real nice looking but i still dont know if it is possible. Ihave tried this on some friends and none of them seem to budge. I wouldlove some help on this topic if anyone can help me.
Other than that the dvd is put together real well and there is a lot of info.

by Hon Wong from USA on 10/06/2008 19:58:03
Myson, Gordon, and I personally trained Andrew and we went to film it inSan Francisco. After every Zap performance we were rushed for cards andpeople just wanted to give us $$$ to do shows. Lots of fun.

Hon Wong
Developer of Zap

The real deal.
by www.MagicbyAndrew.com from San Francisco, CA USA on 09/29/2008 23:03:05
Honis without a doubt one of the best hypnotists in the world. I have beenstudying hypnosis for well over 3 years and Hon's method is unique toevery method I've seen out there.
I've watched this man at work andhe's had me out cold in the past. His son Gordon is just as masterfulas he is and from one day alone I witnessed over half a dozen peopleget put out. 100% success rate? They are not kidding.

Instant Hypnosis without pretalk?
by Mr Wizard342 from Iowa on 08/26/2008 18:57:39
Ihave been studying hypnosis for a little over a year. I will say thatwhat he shows on the video WILL work in hypnotizing a person just asrapidly as he portrays. I have been using a combination of inductionsover the last year ranging from instant and rapid inductions to slowerfractional relaxation inductions. I have used inductions very similarto what he shows on the video and it does work, but my experience hasbeen that they work more often if you include a pretalk. I havehypnotized people with pretalk and without and I have a better successrate when I use the pretalk. I'm not sure what he is doing thatnullifies the need for a pretalk but the technique that he is usingwill do the trick for the actual induction. Without ever having seenthe video, it is very likely based on the sample clip that he willteach the techniques necessary to perform astonishing hypnosis.

by Billy Guan from San Francisco on 08/21/2008 10:12:06
Ihad the pleasure of hanging out with Jay, Hon, and Gordon when theywere doing this. Wow. Genius at work. This is the real deal. I washypnotized by them in less than a second. Fun stuff. Practical anywhereanytime.

hypnosis at its best
by Ian from anaheim, Ca on 08/14/2008 23:46:06
Anyone familiar with Hon Wong's hypnosis knows that he is the real deal. Thisis something I learned at the noblezada experience and I have been hypnotizing people ever since. I knew how to hypnotize before, but I had no idea it was possibly to hypnotize someone in just seconds. This will teach you real hypnosis!

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