Boru wrote: |
Looking at the minor details, such as the handshake strength and direction, the hypnotic eye, the pitch and tone won't help. These are VERY minor polishes to the method, NOT the method itself. In my iniital experience of ZAP I performed it in a simialr method to Hon after I watched it a number of times. I simply modeled the IMPRESSION I got, while watching and replicated that. For me it's a mixture of self assurance, unflappable confidence and understanding your own intention. I can't stress the importance of intetnion enough - why are you ZAPPING people, for entertainment for yourself, or enterntainment for others? There is is key difference here and conciously or not it will effect your performance and ability to ZAP. I always keep in mind when I ZAP that I am either doing it to entertain others (and who doesn't want to be entertained) as opposed to amusing myself (in which case most people don't care cause they get nothing out of it), or I approach with a firm decision to help someone. In this manner I have not had someone fail to be Zapped. Now - here's the thing, often I get a different reaction from people. I Zap them they go down and they open there eyes and look at me - many new people may think they aren't under that it hasn't worked - it has, just tell them to close their eyes and continue regardless. And they do. I'll tell you a specific story about that in a moment. Some laugh, some talk, just tell them to close ther eyes, relax and be silent. They'll do it - but always say this and do this with COMPASSION! It is a HUGE thing to trust a stranger so completely as to follow thier directions in such a vulnerable state. You truly never ZAP ANYONE. They ZAP themselves and allow you the privlege of directing them. Now, an exmaple. Yesterday, I had a very young patient in my clinic, a little 8 year old girl. Very bright, but nervous and agitated. And she was worried about the acupuncture needles I was too use on here and couldn't relax at all. I turned to her mother who was present the whole time and said, "I think we'll do a little magic trick shall we". Then I turned to the little girl and asked her if she knew what a wizard was - and she said Harry Potter and Dumbledore were wizards and I said that was exactly right. But that I also was a wizard and that if she'd like I could cast a magic spell on her to make her fall asleep and feel no discomofort and wake up moments later feeling fantastic in every way. She said she'd be very impressed if I could do that. I laughed and said that in a moment I was going to take her hand, say my magic word and she would fall back onto my couch and find herself very relaxed and asleep. Then I asked her to hold out her hand and I very gently tugged and said sleep. Her arm barely moved and she just fell back. Her mother was shcoked. So I continued and said she was doing fine and that in a moment - and then she opened here eyes - I didn't worry about this at all, I just paused and said close your eyes and relax even deeper into the couch, which she did and I continued. I told here that in a moment she would try to get up and I would snap my fingers in her ear and she wold fall back down sound a sleep. I did this and she was out. I then told her to concentrate on the background music and that each time she heard a bird chirp she would become more and more relaxed, she nodded when she understood this and then I just got on with the needles. She never felt a thing. Went outside with her mother, who asked me in all seriousness if I was in fact a wizard, and I laughed it off and said I simply directed a very a intelligent and bright little girl to relax and fall asleep of her own accord - which is exactly what happended. I did nothing in that room - that little girl did all the work, and it's important to be thankful and grateful that she allowed me to help her in that way. 15 minutes later I walked back in took the needles out and woke her up to a 5 count the way Hon does. She woke up, felt amazing and asked when would I put the needles in cause she felt brave enough now. I told we already had and she was stunned. I am now offically a wizard in her eyes. Now - let's look at what I did - because while what I said and they way I said it differs from Hon's - it's the SAME method. 1. I established credibility by including myself in list of wizards she would know as having the ability to cast a magic spell - this is is socail proof to her that I can do what I say. She now believes I can do it. 2. I get her permission and co-operation 3. In a manner APPROPRIATE to her, ie very gentle and softly, not with impact like Hon, I told her what I was going to do - then I did what I told her, and she did what I told her she would do. That's all there is to it.
Get permission . Tell them what you'll do. Tell them what they will do when you do this. Do it. Tell them you've done it. It's done. The look, the voice, the tone and handshake are all MINOR details you vary for the person you are doing it to. If you think they expect a strong booming command - give it to them. If they think subtle power - give it to them - if they believe the lightest touch will do it, then go light, if they want explosiove, be explosive. The manner in which you change tone etc is dependant on the rapport and method you've communicated with them so far. If I had boomingly said SLEEP in my quite clinic after being so soft spoken the poor girl would have freaked. Do what is apprpriate at the time and follow the list. Then you'll succed. Best of luck. Paul My Reply follow below: |
Hi Paul,
A very, Wise, Thoughtful, and informative Answer.
Paul is Correct. Your Positive Intentions are of Utmost Importance in the Performance of Zap.
Notice in Your Zap DVD and Book, that I call people we Zap
Participants. We do not call them Subjects and, GOD forbid, we
definitely never call anyone Victims.
Whether you know it or not your words mean everything to your intent.
In Zap we do Positive things For someone...we Never do things To someone.
the Zap Product does not go into Hypnotherapy because of the depth
required to teach Hypnotherapy...you will see that I Primarily use Zap
for Instant Therapy.
Most Hypnotist/Hypnotherapist already say
that what we do in Zap is not possible. We do Instant Phobia Cures,
Smoke Cessation, Grief Release Therapy. etc...with Zap. Most
Hypnotist/Hypnotherapist called us fraud with Our Development of Zap.
Presented Zap Hypnosis in NLP/Hypnosis Workshops and We were called
Frauds because the Concept was Developed by My Son, Gordon(a Child) and
the Zap Method was Developed by myself (a relative Unknown). At the
time we were not willing to teach the Method in fear of more well known
Personalities Stealing and Claiming Credit for Zap's Development.
It took the Magic Community to Embrace Zap. Now, many of you can Zap.
Now, Others claim they too have been performing Zap for Decades or that Zap is the HandShake Method.
have been performing the HandShake Method since I was 7 years old and
Zap is not that. Zap has been called by Most of my NLP/Hypnosis
instructors as a New Mind Technology...Or Fake.
Why, because until OUR Development of Zap, the Concept of Real Instant (Not Speed) Hypnosis was thought to be not Possible.
I know more that 300 Methods of Speed Hypnosis, Zap is a New Method.
Zap is a Powerful Skill, use Zap wisely like Paul and you will be known as a Wizard.
Listen to the Below Link:
Call Recording Please Share EveryWhere
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural
Hi Friends,
Let us All Thank John Carr for the Below Recording of Our Zap Call.
I also Like to Thank All My Zap Callers.
Link to Recording Follows Below:
You May have to Copy and Paste the Link into Your internet Browser.
Hon Wong
Developer of Zap
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